One of the greatest things about kids is their honesty. Their emotions are always real and worn on the outside, easy for others to see. Some of those emotions wear me thin but it melts my heart to see the true love shared between siblings.
I wasn't sure how Whopper would react to a new baby in the house. He demands a lot of attention at times and I thought he would probably be jealous and maybe take it out on the Lil' Bird. I never expected him to be so enthralled by her! My tough, skinned knee, dirt eating, rough guy turns into a gentle and sweet big brother every time he is close to her. It's amazing!
Wise Guy is equally in love with Lil' Bird. A few days ago she and I woke up first and I laid her down on a blanket on the living room floor. First, Wise Guy woke up and laid next to her a few minutes to say hello and give her a snuggle before turning on cartoons. A few minutes later, Whopper woke up and went straight to Lil' Bird to say "good morning" and snuggle. Like I said, my heart melts!
I've been taking snapshots of Whopper and Lil' Bird over the past week because they are so stinking cute. Whopper tells me he wants to "see her." I'm not exactly sure what he means, but he isn't satisfied until they are so close their noses are touching. He holds her hand in the stroller and even stays close by when he plays with his tractors. Yesterday, he sat on his knees and held her while she was swinging for 15 minutes.
The addition of Lil Bird to our family has brought forth new aspects of my sons' personalities. I have seen them express their love to her in many different ways, from nurturing to playing to protecting. Not only does it make me love them more but it reminds me how simple it can be to show someone you care.